Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Speed Smoke Test

Project Yukai

For some reason i cant explain, I'm obsess by Legendary Japanese Monster a.k.a. "Youkai"... Some one day, i started to sketch few of it... Turn out, i'm quite satisfied.. Arrrhhhh~~ :D



Karakasa & Bakezouri Tsukumogami
Neko-musume & Rokurokubi

Hitotsume Kozou

Ippon-datara & Gaki

Kappa & Chochin-obake

Related to Monkey King

 This is done at office some times ago...

Sun Wu Knng

Chu Bai Jie

The Rest... When free I'll continue~ :p

My version of Alice in the Wonderland~

Emo version of Alice?

One of the Drawing i made when free~

The Devil

Who is Joe?

Hi.... My name is Joe Lai...I'm a Sarawakian...
I'm juz a simple guy trying to fit myself in tis world...
I'm a Graphics & 2D animation dude... so here, im will post some of my previous works n artworks as my portfolio review...
Other than tat, I'll will share some of the interesting things i discovered daily...
Thanks & plz be my follower~